Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Mother Jones - non-profit news and commentary - fighting the good fight since 1976!

Born in the shadow of Watergate, Mother Jones' first offices were in cramped little quarters above a San Francisco McDonald's.  The first issue came out early in 1976, but they didn't have their first breakthrough story until the following summer, when they helped bring to light the decisions that led Ford to produce the explosion-prone Pinto.  One of their writers was actually the journalist who got his hands on the now-famous memo where they put forth the cold calculations regarding the cost of re-engineering vs. the value of a human life.

Year after year, they've pressed their shoulders hard against the status quo, and for the common good.

They've been harassed by governments and by corporations for constant spotlight on malfeasance and corruption.

I say all of this to suggest that those who can, buy a subscription - or give a gift subscription to someone else, or even make a donation.  Not to take anything away from charities and other civic-minded organizations, but I think we often tend to forget that non-profit journalism needs a steady boost as well.

They're often the last organizations I think of when I'm considering new donations, but they should be right up there with everyone else.  Especially these days, when all of real journalism is under fire from those who would silence them summarily, who tolerate no dissent or opposition.

Mother Jones is a critical voice in the progressive fight to restore balance to our country.

While you're considering a subscription/contribution - take a moment to read this very hopeful article written on the heels of the Nov. 7 elections:

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Monday, October 23, 2017

People are too readily resigned to fatality. They are too ready to believe that, after all, nothing but bloodshed makes history progress and that the stronger always progresses at the expense of the weaker.  Such fatality exists, perhaps.

But man's task is not to accept it or to bow to its laws ... The task of men of culture and faith, in any case, is not to desert historical struggles nor to serve the cruel and inhuman elements in those struggles.

It is rather to remain what they are, to help man against what is oppressing him, to favor freedom against the fatalities that close in upon him.

- Albert Camus, Resistance, Rebellion & Death

Saturday, October 21, 2017

"Don't let them tell us stories ..."

"Don't let them tell us stories.

Don't let them say of the man sentenced to death 'He is going to pay his debt to society,' but: 'They are going to cut off his head.'

It looks like nothing. But it does make a little difference.

And then there are people who prefer to look their fate in the eye."

- Albert Camus, from "Entre oui et non" in L'Envers et l'endroit (1937)

Austin-based "Third Coast Activists" - a good reason to spend more time in Austin

from their website:

"Many people in the Austin area know the Third Coast Activist Resource Center from our work opposing the U.S. invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and the larger critique of the U.S. empire. Others first encountered Third Coast at 5604 Manor, the community center we bought and developed in collaboration with the Workers Defense Project. And, of course, there is our weekly events calendar and web site with information about events and issues.
Over the past two years, the mission of Third Coast has shifted. After turning over all the space in 5604 Manor to an expanding WDP, we have been using the funds generated to help with progressive projects, locally and nationally.
Reflecting the importance of both ecological sustainability and social justice, we have contributed to Urban Roots, Huston-Tillotson University’s Green Is the New Black and Dumpster Project, and the Berry Farming Program.
We also have continued our supported for critical independent journalism as a funder of “Rising Up with Sonali Kolhatkar,” a radio/television/web project based in Los Angeles.
Third Coast will continue to organize educational events and publicize the events of other groups in the Austin area. We encourage you to attend, to pass along the information to others, and to consider supporting the work of political projects such as those mentioned above."

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Film Friday - Domestic Violence Month, Week of Action

October 20 is Film Friday in the Domestic Violence Month Week of Action.

Consider a movie night with some discussion of domestic violence wrapped around it. Click on the graphic below for movie and discussion ideas!

(There's nothing that specifies how in-depth the discussion "has to be." Read your audience and adjust appropriately. Just one light bulb coming on for someone is still a bonus.)

Where to go to get current conditions in Puerto Rico

Below are the current key indicators for Puerto Rico as of 10/19.  The most reliable numbers on current casualties are approx. 450 dead and 69 known missing. Those numbers will change.

For continually updates on these, and 16 others, click on the graphic.  On that page, you can also contribute directly to a recognized fund: